fashionista spotlight - reigan massey -

Thursday, October 6, 2011


When Coco Chanel borrowed a tweed jacket from her romantic partner the Duke of Westminster, she never foresaw the impact it would make on the culture of fashion. Since that moment, Chanel popularized the iconic tweed jacket and made tweed a spotlight staple of the Chanel brand for over 50 years. Chanel shaped the men-inspired-women-worn phenomenon and pushed new designers to incorporate the woven fabric into their lines, see Tory Burch’s fall 2011 tweed jacket . I caught this fashionista walking in the rain outside of her house. Reigan perfectly incorporated this latest tweed trend. By pairing a grey tweed blazer with a rose colored knit and simple black shorts, she radiated sophistication and class. Adding maroon tights and layered socks to her plain black booties kept her look clean while still keeping her warm in the drizzle.
Name: Reigan Massey - Year: Sophomore - Major: Psychology and French

CollegeFashionista: Who are your stylistic influences?

Reigan Massey: It all tends to depend on my mood. When I want to dress more classic, I look towards Kate Middleton. I love the way she dresses when she is casual. Reese Witherspoon is always very classy and sophisticated as well. For a more edgier look, I love to grab inspiration from Nichole Richie.

CF: How would you describe your personal style?
RM: I would say my style is very classic, nothing too crazy. I love to wear solid colors. Stripes and color blocking are two things I love to play into my wardrobe if I can. I wear pearls often and can usually be seen slinging around a large bag. Right now I am rocking the red Longchamp.

CF: You have lived in many different places in your life and traveled throughout the world. How have these different geographical locations shaped your fashion?
RM: I tend to go through phases of style. I used to live in graphic tees, jeans and converse. Now I tend to wear flats, boots, cardigans and plain, nicer shirts. I strive for a more polished look. When I lived in the south, I tended to dress more preppy. When I went to Europe, my style changed to become more european, incorporating greys, blacks, and beiges.

CF: Who are some of your favorite design powerhouses?
RM: Chanel, Stella McCartney, Michael Kors, Calvin Klein, Tory Burch.

CF: What fall trends are you most excited to rock this fall?
RM: Circle scarves, chunky cardigans and awesome boots.

How To: To model Reigan’s sophisticated get-up, pair this adorable tweet blazer from Boden with these maroon tights from H&M. To wear Reigan’s favorite and fight the rain, rock this striped shirt from the Loft with a pair of jeans and hunter rainboots.

EDITORS NOTE: I must admit, Chanel isn't a designer I usually die for, but this fall, I can't get over their homeless-chic look (my version of a compliment, just take it). Chanel always tend to throw a curve ball and wins me over in the end. Maybe I am just maturing, but more structured looks have to catch my eye. My Fashionista this week, Reigan, is the most adorable person I have ever met. Not only is she my beautiful roommate (don't hate her because she's fashionable), but she always holds herself with a classy, positive attitude. If you look at the designers she listed as her favorites, they fit perfectly for her. She always looks polished and sophisticated so of course she was a perfect pic for this week. And obviously no one can resist that southern accent. 

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