Thursday, May 24, 2012

It isn't called the melting pot for nothing. I am really loving this city. The whole atmosphere is insane and the all over vibe is awesome. I walk down the street and get a huge feeling of inspiration. This place is filled with so many different people. Thousands ride the metro every day. Each of them going to a different destination in their different lives. It is kind of crazy to think about. 

I get home from work around seven every night. Usually I am exhausted and my feet are killing me, but I am always happy. Last summer, I felt like I didn't accomplish as much as I wanted while in NYC. This summer, I really want to plant my roots here and do SOME sort of activity every night, EVEN if i am extremely tired.

TIMES SQUARE: On my first quest on Do-Something-Every-Night, Gaby, Reigan and I trolled Times Square. Although it might be a cliche/tourist place, it really is beautiful. As an advertising major, we talk about 'spectaculars' all the time. Seeing spectaculars in person is really a sight. It is the strangest feeling being in the middle of times square at night when the lights are so blinding. It feels like you are in some sort of limbo of night and day.

We schmoozed a furry life-sized Elmo (who probably was a drunk 50-year old man who gets paid to take pictures with little children), persuaded a hot-dog stand to give us free food (by innocently hugging one very sweaty worker behind the counter) and checked off a VERY important task off our NYC BUCKET LIST (will reveal later). Needless to say, it was an amazing night and the perfect start to our adventure of the summer.

INTERNSHIP: I feel like I have been working here for three weeks already. I have learned an incredible amount and have been a part of so many projects. I feel like I am actually needed and valued.

The past couple days, I have worked on two very big projects. I was assigned, directly from an account executive, to perform a competitive analysis of one of our high-end clients. I couldn't believe that I was sitting there Googling hoards of different designers and could call that WORK. Basically, I was asked to find what each designers niche was (what made them who they are, what are their collaborations, what events have they had, etc.) and compare it to our client. This was a big project COMPLETELY compiled by me. It is insane to know that the Word document I typed up on my computer will be seen my head executives at a high end design label.

My second project was with another account executive, sending back racks on racks of clothes to a designer we no longer work with. This included many seasons worth of collections. It was a strenuous and complicated process of international forms, shipping regulations and packaging, but at the end of the day it was finally done. It felt amazing to walk up to the executive, hand him copies of all of the forms and explain to him that everything had been completed exactly how he asked. BABY STEPS. 

On top of these projects, I am running around the city picking up bags bigger than my body, scanning in thousands of dollars worth of merchandise and sending clothing to celebrity photo shoots. I am having a blast and can't wait for the next chapter!


1) WHAT EVER YOU DO: Don't carry your laptop out in the public. 

2) Make friends with your door man. HE WILL BE YOUR BEST FRIEND AND TELL YOU SECRETS.

3) Crazy people are very crazy.

4) Famous people look like they actually do on the television screen. (MORE ON THIS LATER!!)

5) As much as I want to refer to the West Side as "The Left Side" I just am not allowed to. 

[Forever21 skirt, shoes, vintage lace shirt, Urban Outfitters necklace, tank]
My hair will always be wet in pictures this summer. I have accepted it. The only daylight I see is on the way to work each morning when my hair is wet. OH WELL.

Tomorrow is Friday. I can't wait for what is to come on the weekend.


  1. Very cool Jessie - very cool. I've lived a little in NYC, it's a place that you either love or hate- I'm glad to see that you're enjoying it! And that you're growing into something you seem to have a natural talent for!

  2. Love reading your blogs jessie :) Your basically LC on the Hills in my eyes lol
    Kate Gaffey


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