Monday, May 28, 2012

When a member of the US Coast Guard approached us during a nighttime trip to Times Square Wednesday, we never thought we would see him again. Little did we know, we would meet up later that week for a night of debauchery and a day of touring the ship they sail on three months at a time. 

It is 'fleet week' here in New York, which means hoards and hoards of men in uniform. There is never a problem with this, so when we were approached by one to make plans later this week, arguments weren't heard.

All in all, the weekend was a huge success. We learned WAY too much about how men enlisted entertained themselves, learned how to properly salute, got V.I.P treatment from all the local joints and toured an amazing sail boat docked on a New York City pier. It was fascinating to learn about what different lives these boys live compared to a normal kid in college these days. 

Thanks for giving us such a fun couple days boys! 


  1. Very nice. Made me remember my days as a US Coast Guard Academy Cadet fondly, when we used to visit foreign and domestic ports of call on USCG Barque Eagle and meet many fun people. I came across your page googling "All me bloomin life..." What else would one be doing on "International Talk like a Pirate Day".


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