Monday, June 18, 2012

Today I was finally assigned an account executive. Each account executive represents a group of different clients, becoming in charge of their events, image and attention in the media. This is where it becomes a little more exciting for me. 

Instead of handling a wide variety of clients on a larger based scale, I get to dive right into a few and really become familiar with them. I feel almost an ownership for the clients as if it is SOLEY my responsibility if they are successful or not (which it kind of is). It is pretty exhilarating knowing you are exclusively working with world renowned fashion and accessories designers.

It will be interesting to see the difference between working with only a few clients versus a wide range.  

1) NYU GYM HAS A FREE ROCK CLIMBING WALL. I REPEAT, A FREE ROCK CLIMBING WALL. Back in the day, as a cool 'tomboy' child, high-heels never had touched my feet and I was in fact, a member to a rock climbing gym. This makes me happy.

2) Some days you will have a million projects and some days just one that takes all day. They will most likely both be equally as stressful. Be prepared, but stay calm. The long project is just a whole bunch of smaller ones. Get the job done efficiently and quickly.

3) In public relations, each day is different. There are always different events, different clients, different collections and different issues that need to be fixed. This is what makes PR probably one of the most interesting careers. Boredom doesn't exist because fashion is constantly evolving with culture.

4) On the 'slow' days, pick up side projects that have been pushed under the rug. Find small things that will improve the office. With so many projects going on and clients under their wings, no one has time to focus on the small details. The slightest improvement in the office can make a great deal of difference. Taking the initiative to find a minor flaw and fix it yourself shows a great deal of responsibility to your superior. 

[Forever 21 pants, Gap shirt, H&M necklace, Target heels]

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