Monday, June 11, 2012

You can tell how busy I am based on how often I write. This past week I have been non-stop working (some nights as late as 11PM), so apologies for the few and far between posts.

SUNDAY: CFDA Preparation Day 12PM-11PM
TUESDAY: Fashion PR Company Event Preparation Day 9AM-7PM
WEDNESDAY: Fashion PR Company Event Night 7AM-11PM
THURSDAY: Fashion Magazine
FRIDAY: Fashion Magazine / MOTHER ARRIVES!
SATURDAY: Craft Fair / Ballet / The Met / Dinner

TUESDAY/WEDNESDAY: Imagine a downtown loft, hidden away at the top of an apartment building, all white, with hardwood floors, a rooftop balcony with a hot tub and floor length windows that look out onto the New York City skyline. This is where I spent my entire Tuesday and Wednesday. It was one of the swankiest places I have ever seen and I couldn't believe that I was working there. Candles lined the floors and windowsills while models walked around with trays of food. It was an incredibly successful night and it was a great experience.

SATURDAY: Yesterday, my mother, Reigan and I took a little trip to the Upper-West Side for a stroll through the craft market, a tasting of apple-cider donuts and the ballet A Mid Summers Night Dream. The ballet was good, but what really stood out to me was The Met. After the ballet, we walked over to The Met to attend the Prada/Shiaperelli exhibit. It was truly inspiring to see the uncanny likeness the two Italian designers shared, even decades apart. The exhibit, Impossible Conversations was based on the different/similar views the designers would hold if they had the opportunity to have a conversation.

What did you do this week?

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