Friday, June 15, 2012

This morning, I prayed to the Summer Gods and they answered my wish. I dreamt up a Friday of walking outside with the sun still up and the whole day ahead of me, of having a 5:00 dinner and possibly even make it to the dry cleaners before it closes. My dream was to experience this mysterious creature that has been spoken of, yet not heard. This exclusive summer pleasure has never once peeked out of its groundhog hole. Until today.

Today, the most magnificent of days, I experienced what I would like to call "Summer Fridays." This might be hard to comprehend, but the sheer madness of this weekly event turns the office into a buzz of euphoria. Summer Fridays consist of a half day, every Friday throughout the summer. I have yet to experience this. Most Fridays, we have been packing for photo shoots or doing other necessary tasks. 

This week, the curse finally broke and I walked out of the office at 3:00. I felt like Cruella Deville when handed a new-born Dalmatian puppy. 


1. RUN TOWARDS THE FIRE: As an intern, you need to constantly be prepared to work. Never stand around. Always find something to do, even if it means re-organizing the hanger closet or alphabetizing the Runway Collection books. If you see other interns struggling with something, RUN TOWARDS THE FIRE and help them. Be there to help and get the job completed more efficiently. Always be the helpful person. 

2. BE WORTH THE MONEY: As a PR company, we represent top clients and designers in the industry. These clients pay a lot of money for us to get their name out and keep up their brand. It is our responsibility to BE WORTH THE MONEY. Down to every detail, we need to be on point. Make sure everything is perfect and the best it can be. 

[thrifted pants, necklace, earrings, shirt / Forever 21 lace-up heels]

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