Wednesday, May 30, 2012

INTERNSHIP: Have you ever had a near death experience? Today was my first one. Not really, but I did drown in a sea of shoes. I have never gotten to touch and hold SO many amazingly beautiful shoes. Shoes with tassles. Shoes with leather. Shoes with suede. Shoes with zippers, buttons and studs. (This sounds like a Dr. Suess book) It was a magnificent sight. I spent all day boxing and barcoding a shipment of the newest shoe collection for one of our top shoe designers. Apparel is my child, but I really am warming up to accessories after spending all day seeing them up close.

1) Designer shoes aren't sized by 8, 9 or 10. They are sized by 38, 39, and 40 respectively. (38 = 8)

2) You look 'supah' cool if you are leaning against the Subway doors on the side that doesn't open at the next stop. You DON'T look cool if it is the opposite.

3) Never walk by a crowd of construction men. I guess that one can be okay at times, if you need validation that you are in fact a woman.

DINNER DATES: Last night, Reigan and I met up with two of our favorite Chi Omega 'sistahs' for a nice Japanese dinner. Both were Seniors when we were Freshman. They are now living in the city and BEING COMPLETE BADASSES. I honestly couldn't speak more about how inspiring both of them are. They are both wonderful people and have always been completely warm and inviting towards us. They are living such inspirational, crazy lives. I hope I can accomplish as much as they have. Can't wait for a summer of meeting up with those two.

Tonight, I went out to dinner in Chelsea with a good friend from home who is a fellow stylist for Impulse Magazine. She just graduated and moved here to pursue a career in styling. The Thai restaurant we went to was the most adorable thing I have ever seen. You know how I love those dimmed lights. It was great to catch up with her and can't wait to watch her evolve into a REAL PERSON WITH A REAL LIFE.

It makes me feel hopeful to watch older girls merge into the city life. It gives me faith that I will be able to live here one day and actually survive.

[H&M dress / Forever 21 shoes / vintage earrings]


1 comment:

  1. LOVE the dress!
    And I can attest to the subway car leaning. You also look super cool when you don't hold on to any rails and you don't fall over when the train starts/stops. You look *even cooler* when you fall into a bunch of people/fall on your ass.


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