It is finally starting to seem like spring. Today, I concluded it was a good idea to explore this 'spring' and leave The Dungeon. This is also known as the place where dreams go to die, the sun doesn't exist and where that midterm paper you have been avoiding finally decides to rear it's ugly head. I also refer to this as the study basement. Braving the piercing sun, I eagerly realized I wasn't actually a vampire and my skin wasn't spontaneously combusting. It was beautiful.
Luckily the vampire inside of me wore my cat-eye sunglasses and some SPF+20. (Yes, I actually managed to go on a beach an entire spring break and not change colors. Judge me when your skin is leather)
As for my outfit, I always question myself when I decide to don heels to class. My justification never makes sense, so I will just chalk it up to a sarcastic "I enjoy a good blistered toe." or "sometimes a 5'9 girl LIKES that she can see over the bathroom stall." Needless to say, my toes ARE pleasantly blistered, but the stalls were still too tall.
[Forever 21 top / thrifted pants / Target wedges]
Have a good day! Go run in the sun.